
Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of plants, animals, and other organisms that lived in the geological past. They provide valuable information about the history of life on Earth, offering insights into evolution, paleoenvironments, and ancient ecosystems. Fossils can form through a variety of processes, which generally involve the rapid burial of an organism or its traces, followed by the preservation of its physical or chemical characteristics.

There are several types of fossils:

Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks, which are formed from the accumulation and compaction of sediments over time. The process of discovering and studying fossils is known as paleontology. Through the study of fossils, paleontologists can reconstruct the appearance, behavior, and ecological roles of extinct organisms, as well as infer their evolutionary relationships to modern species.

Fossils also play a crucial role in dating geological formations, as the age of a fossil can help determine the age of the rock layer in which it is found. This information, in turn, can be used to construct a chronological sequence of Earth's geological history and the evolution of life on our planet.

Here is an above average quality fossilized Shark Tooth  in matrix from Morocco.

 Its species name is Otodus Obliquus and it is from the Eocene period.

 The tooth measures 3 1/4" diagonally and in a matrix measuring 3 3/4" x 4" x 1 1/8".

 Makes a great gift or excellent educational tool. 

This is a Fossil Fish Diplomystus  from the Eocene Age, from the Green River Formation, Lincoln County, Wyoming.

 This specimen measures 4" x 6 1/2" on the outside diameter of the matrix and is 1/2" thick.

 This fossil fish measures 4 3/4" from head to tail.

 They lived some 50 million years ago and are found in a light colored Limestone.   

This is a nice looking matched pair of Fossil Ammonites  from Madagascar.

 These are complete in their own little bamboo framed box.

 It has been cut in half and polished to reveal the beauty of the interior of the Ammonite.

 Each half measures approximately 1 3/4" x 1 3/8" x  1/4".

 Item will be similar to item in picture, although color and design will vary with each set.