
These are real hits in school and at home for the little kids (and the big ones like me). 

Discover the fascinating world of rocks and learn about the three main types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. This page will provide information on rock formation processes, classification, and common examples of each type, along with stunning images of rock specimens. 

Concretions are compact, rounded mineral formations that occur within sedimentary rocks, created when minerals precipitate around a nucleus, such as a fossil or mineral fragment. They vary in size, shape, and composition and can provide insights into the geological processes and environmental conditions of the past. 

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms, providing valuable information about the history of life on Earth. They help scientists understand evolution, paleoenvironments, and ancient ecosystems and can be found in sedimentary rocks. 

Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic solid substances with a specific chemical composition and a crystalline structure. They are the building blocks of rocks and play vital roles in various geological processes, as well as having practical applications in industry and technology. 

Agates are a variety of chalcedony, a microcrystalline quartz, known for their distinct, colorful banding patterns. Formed in volcanic rock cavities, agates are prized for their beauty and used in jewelry, decorative items, and collected by enthusiasts. 

Uncover the beauty and allure of gemstones, precious and semi-precious stones valued for their aesthetic qualities. This page will discuss the properties that define gemstones, their varieties, and the factors influencing their value. Learn about famous gemstones and their historical significance. 

UV flashlights are essential tools for rockhounds. These portable devices emit UV light in the 365-395 nm range, allowing rockhounds to identify fluorescent minerals and gemstones. By illuminating specimens, UV flashlights reveal vibrant colors. They are perfect for nighttime or low-light conditions during fieldwork, helping rockhounds discover the hidden beauty and fascinating fluorescence of rocks and minerals.

These sturdy hammers have a flat, square head for striking rocks and a pick or chisel end for prying and splitting. They are designed to withstand the force of striking hard rocks. Geological hammers enable rockhounds to break rocks, extract samples, and conduct fieldwork with precision. These reliable tools are a must-have for any rockhound's collection, ensuring the ability to explore and uncover the geological wonders that lie beneath the surface.

Rock tumblers are must-have tools for rockhounds. These machines transform rough rocks into smooth and polished stones. A typical rock tumbler consists of a rotating barrel filled with rough rocks, abrasive grit, and water. As the barrel rotates, the rocks tumble against each other, gradually wearing away rough edges and surfaces. This process takes several weeks and involves stages with different types of abrasive grit. Rock tumblers allow rockhounds to enhance the appearance of their specimens, creating beautifully polished stones that can be displayed or used in various lapidary projects. With a rock tumbler, rockhounds can bring out the natural beauty of rocks and enjoy the satisfaction of turning rough stones into shining gems.

Cabbing machines are specialized tools used in lapidary work to shape and polish gemstones into smooth, rounded cabochons. They consist of rotating laps or wheels coated with abrasive material, allowing for precise grinding, shaping, and polishing of gemstones. Cabbing machines provide efficiency, consistency, and versatility in the lapidary process, enabling users to create professional-quality cabochons with beautiful finishes. They are essential for lapidary enthusiasts looking to transform rough gemstones into stunning and polished gems.